Saturday, July 23, 2011

Magnificent by Jerry Paladino

It would take a thousand years to tell a thousandth of an instant in Your love.
The greatest words I can imagine
Just a fragment of a fraction of enough...
Yet my eyes look unto You, Not on the body of this death,
And in my weakness, Lord, I praise You with this frail and faltering breath.

You are magnificent, You are radiant,
You're indescribable in Your omnipotence
You’re are incredible, incomparable,
And my breathless soul shall whisper When all other words are spent:
You are Magnificent.

Can this human tongue so earthly and this heart that’s so unworthy
sing Your praise?
Yet I know You’re right here listening as my eyes with tears are glistening,
My hands are raised...
And the feeling is breathtaking as You lift me up to You, 
And the Spirit’s warm embracing
Electrifies Me through and through.

Now what else can I do but give My everything to You,
The One who gave Your everything to set me free.
And bright the fire burns within to worship You, My radiant King
Who reigns on Heaven’s throne eternally.

You are Magnificent.
Ohhh Magnificent

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